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Refuse & Recycling

Garbage collection is a weekly service provided by Aiken Refuse, the Borough’s contracted refuse provider.  Collection of solid waste will occur weekly on Monday through Thursday and follow the collection schedule map


All solid waste must be placed inside a heavy duty garbage bag.  No more than ten bags can be placed along the curb for weekly collection. Prior to collection, during the week, solid waste shall be stored behind or to the side of the house or business in leak proof containers with tight fitting lids. Garbage and recycling cannot be placed on the curb earlier than 7:30 PM the evening before scheduled pickup.
There will be no refuse or recycling collection on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. If one of these holidays falls on a collection day, all remaining collections that week will be one day later. If the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, there will be no change in collection. 


The collection of bulky trash and appliances is also a weekly service.  Individual items that do not fit in a bag should be placed loose at the curb. There is a limit of 100 lbs. per week or one major item. Mattresses and box springs must be wrapped in plastic and sealed with tape to prevent any possible exposure to infectious pests such as bedbugs or fleas.  All appliances that use freon must have the freon removed by a certified technician before disposal.  Refrigerator and freezer doors must also be removed.


Electronic devices, such as desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors, computer components, and televisions or their components are not accepted for curbside refuse collection.


Disposal of grass clippings and yard waste can be accomplished by bagging the waste and placing it on the curb for your weekly garbage collection. Aiken Refuse will collect bagged grass clippings and yard waste. Additionally, the Public Works Department will collect tree limbs/wood, cut and bundled into three foot sections, and placed along the curb on Monday of every week. To schedule a Public Works Department collection of tree limbs, please call (724) 843-0502. The disposal of grass clippings and lawn waste on the street is prohibited by today’s environmental regulations. Current laws could impose fines for repeat offenders.


Borough ordinances prohibit open fires or fires within a receptacle for the destruction of refuse or in the conduct of any salvage operation.


Recyclables are collected every two weeks on the same day as regular garbage. Recyclables include paper and cardboard, metals, and plastics. All recyclables should be contained in a recycling container. The following materials are accepted for recycling:

Paper and Cardboard - Includes corrugated cardboard, magazines, office paper, newspapers, paperboard, paper cardboard dairy and juice cartons, unsolicited direct mail (junk mail), and phone books.  Shredded paper, glue bound books, and gift wrapping paper of any kind is not recyclable.  Oily pizza boxes, milk cartons, juice boxes, takeout food containers, and oily, soiled, or contaminated cardboard is not acceptable.
Metals - Includes aluminum cans, aluminum foil and bake ware, and steel cans and tin cans (soup cans, vegetable cans, coffee cans, etc.).  Items such as clothes hangers, scrap metal, screws, nails, toys, lawn furniture, paint cans, and aluminum siding are not acceptable.
Plastics - Plastics with identification codes #1 PETE, such as food and beverage containers, and #2 HDPE, such as laundry products and buckets.  Plastic cups/plates, Styrofoam peanuts and blocks, plastic plant pots, foam plastic egg cartons, plastic wrap, bubble wrap, plastic bags, CD& DVD’s, toys, lawn furniture, motor oil, cooking oil bottles, herbicide, and antifreeze containers are not acceptable.


Rinse all recyclable containers thoroughly of food contaminates to eliminate odors.


Non-food containers do not need to be rinsed. Labels can be left on containers. Cans and plastic bottles do not need to be flattened, but can be accepted as such to conserve space. Treat recyclables as a valuable resource and store them in a separate recycling container. All recycling material can be stored together. There is no need to separate materials and no materials should be bagged. The night before collection, place your recycling container at the curb with your heavy-duty garbage bags no earlier than 7:30 p.m. 


The Beaver County Department of Waste Management and Recycling also collects many recyclable items that are not accepted during weekly garbage collection at their Recycling Center located off of Route 51 in Brady’s Run Park, Brighton Township.  The Recycling Center can be reached by calling (724) 770-2064.

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