Zoning & Land Use
New Brighton Borough Council has adopted a regional comprehensive plan to establish a framework for working together to improve the quality of life for all residents of New Brighton. Goals of the comprehensive plan include addressing four key issues:
​Vibrancy. The communities of New Brighton, Daugherty, Fallston, and Pulaski foster vibrant community centers to serve current residents and attract new ones through business growth, property beautification, and effective marketing of the area and its assets.
Health. The communities of New Brighton, Daugherty, Fallston, and Pulaski improve the convenience and desirability of their recreation assets, green spaces and community connections to encourage a sense of community and contribute to overall health and well-being.
Safety. The communities of New Brighton, Daugherty, Fallston, and Pulaski work to resolve issues of public safety to ensure enhanced quality of life for their residents. This includes tackling issues such as speeding, property crimes, and Illegal drugs, and enhancing communication.
Collaborative. The communities of New Brighton, Daugherty, Fallston, and Pulaski consider themselves a single region and collaborate on issues such as planning, marketing, infrastructure, and land use in order to foster pride and community cohesion and encourage regional success.
As one method to accomplish these goals, the Borough of New Brighton has established zoning that encourages practical and coordinated community development that promotes public health, safety, morals, and general welfare. The Borough’s Zoning Ordinance prevents the overcrowding, improper, or incompatible development or use of land to prevent blighting conditions and congestion or hazard in travel or transportation. Through zoning the Borough is able to conserve and stabilize property values through encouragement of the most appropriate use of land in relation to one another. The New Brighton Area Planning Commission continually evaluates the effectiveness of the zoning ordnance and make recommendations to Borough Council for amendments when appropriate.
A site plan review shall be conducted by the Planning Commission for any commercial, industrial, or multi-family (three or more dwellings) development proposal involving new exterior construction, whether of new buildings, extensions of existing buildings, or site improvements. A site plan must also be submitted for reviewed by the Zoning Officer for all building permit and sign permit applications The Building and Zoning Department may be reached by calling (724) 847-5130 or by visiting the Zoning Office located on the first floor of the Borough Municipal Building.
Building and zoning ordinances and applications are available online by clicking here.